alison bartram therapies
Targeting Your Wellbeing

30 mins £39
45 mins £49
60 mins £59
Sport & Remedial Massage - 30, 45 or 60 mins
Therapeutic (Relaxation) Massage - 30, 45 or 60 mins
Aromatherapy Massage - 30, 45 or 60 mins
Indian Head Massage - 30 mins
Pregnancy Massage - 30, 45 or 60 mins
Reflexology - 60 mins
The Dorn Method (Spinal / Joint Realignment Therapy & Breuss Massage) - 60 mins
Breuss Spinal Massage - 30 mins

Sport & Remedial Massage
Sports Massage was used by Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician in 400 B.C when he recommended the treatment of sports and war injuries with massage and rubbing. It remains a technique appropriate for both injury prevention and post-injury recovery. It uses the application of varied pressures to manipulate soft tissues with gliding, kneading and friction movements using the hands and fingers, and sometimes elbows. Percussion, bending, stretching and mobilisations can also be utilised. Sports Massage can incorporate Swedish massage techniques, together with additional intensive deep tissue techniques that are specifically designed to prevent and treat sports injuries.
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As the name suggests Deep Tissue Massage focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to release chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on contracted areas, either following or going across the muscle fibres, tendons and fascia. Deep tissue massage is used to release chronic muscle tension and helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue. It usually focuses on more specific problem areas and may cause some soreness during or soon after the massage. The soreness will soon pass and leave you feeling better than ever within a day or so. Repeated half hour durations are typical, although some clients prefer to extend this to an hour.

Therapeutic / Relaxation Massage
The manipulation of the soft tissue of the body has been used as a healing therapy for many thousands of years, records dating back to 2700 B.C. in China. The ancient cultures of Japan, Egypt, Rome and Arabia all considered massage to be calming, soothing and relaxing, and also very important as a healing therapy. Therapeutic Massage is a form which involves a more soothing approach using sweeping effleurage, working over the skin with the palms of the hands to encourage relaxation, and petrissage techniques such as wringing and kneading will also help to relieve tension, thus promoting deep relaxation in the tissues and muscles. The pressure of the massage is tailored to the client's needs, since no two people are alike and is often done as a full body approach over an hour or more.

Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage is based on the ayurvedic system of healing practiced in India for over a thousand years, still passed down today as a family-oriented healing system. The client remains fully clothed, or with shoulders uncovered, seated in a massage chair and receives gliding effleurage, deep kneading and compression movements over the neck, shoulders and scalp, and a soothing facial massage. The therapist will also gently stimulate and stroke pressure points on the face. The session will usually last from thirty to forty-five minutes. If preferred additional appropriately nourishing oils can be used for the scalp and hair.

Reflexology has its roots in ancient Egypt. Tomb inscriptions and cave paintings indicate the principle that every organ and system of the body has a corresponding point or zone in the feet. This was tested and understood more scientifically in the 20th century. For example, the spot in the centre of the big toe is found to correspond to the pituitary gland, and on the ball of the foot underneath the big toe corresponds to the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
The client remains fully clothed apart from their feet and lower legs, and relaxes on a massage couch whilst the practitioner works on their feet and ankles. Gentle pressure is applied to specific points. Where there are corresponding physical problems the client may experience slight discomfort and/or the therapist may feel some blockages in the area. Overall, it is wonderfully relaxing and soothing, and many people fall asleep. Each session will last about an hour and, in most cases, a series of sessions are necessary to resolve or alleviate specific problems. Specific maternity techniques are used for expectant mothers. Some clients book a regular weekly or monthly session as a preventative measure, to keep their systems in balance.

Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy also emanates from ancient Egypt, where plants and flowers were distilled to extract their essential oils. Much later in the 20th century, French chemist and perfumier, Rene Gattefosse, discovered the burn-healing properties of Lavender when he scalded himself and so continued to research other potentially healing plants. Another French doctor, Jean Valnet, used essential oils to treat the wounds of the second world war soldiers and the French biochemist, Marguerite Maury, developed their use as a part of healing massage.
Aromas are known to influence the limbic system, the part of the brain that controls our moods, emotions, memory and learning - for example, lavender increases alpha waves in the back of the head producing relaxation, while jasmine increases beta waves in the front of the head making us more alert. Aromatherapy can be used for physical and emotional problems including stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, pain, insomnia, coughs and colds, burns, scar tissue, digestive problems and skin disorders. The massage style is gentle, and can be used to soothe, uplift, energise, relax or stimulate as necessary. Home care blends can be offered by the therapist as felt appropriate.

Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage therapy must be tailored to an expectant mother's needs. Unlike regular massage a new mother's body has to be positioned and supported in the correct way by utilizing pillows and padding. Carrying a baby changes your centre of gravity putting stress on the back, neck, abdominal muscles and shoulders. This massage style is gentle and soothing and focuses on legs, back, shoulders and arms, avoiding pressure to the abdomen and induction points. The massage can help to relax tense muscles, ease sore spots, improve circulation, increase mobility and give a general feeling of wellbeing. It can be tailored to meet the needs of a woman as her body changes. A trained prenatal massage therapist knows where a pregnant woman's sore spots are likely to be and may provide some relief, and will also know which areas and techniques to avoid, whilst being happy to liaise with the woman's established healthcare team as necessary.